While reading the book you shall take notes that help you discuss issues in the classroom later, but also respond to the text and reflect your reading process.
- Working with words:
Please draw up your personal vocab list, i.e. after each chapter note down 5 of the either most frequently used words or words that you haven’t known before and want to use more often. Use each of the word in a phrase/collocation.
- React:
You can choose between the following ideas. Complete one task (i.e. answer one question from the first group of tasks or deal with one task from the second group) in sentences. (about 150 words)
- First group of tasks:
- What did you learn that interested you?
- What/ whom did you like or dislike? Why?
- What are your favourite lines/quotes? Copy them and give reasons for your choice.
- What do you wish had happened? What would you change in the text?
- What had meaning to you personally?
Second group of tasks
- Write a letter to a character.
- Conduct an interview with a character.
- Change part of the text into a comic strip. (Make sure there’s enough language in it.)
- Retell a passage from a different perspective.
- Add a passage which explains events that are not explained in the text itself.
- Reflect:
Think about how your reading is going and write about 150 words, too.
- Is the text difficult for you? (Did you have to read it more than once?)
- What makes it difficult?
- What did you do when you had problems understanding?
- How did you deal with unknown words?
- Did you use any special strategies for reading? (e.g. skimming the whole passage first to get the general idea; reading only the first line of every paragraph; trying to predict what will happen …etc.)
Aus: Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, Sammelband Lesen, S. 118 f.
Friedrich Verlag, Seelze 2012, bearbeitet und gekürzt von Astrid Eisenhardt, Rostock